Fowler Bed without Railing And Mattress


Type of bed Fowler
Number of bed platform sections 4 for fowler bed
Availability of Backrest section Yes
Backrest section linkage welded with MS CRCA tube (14 G)
Availability of Leg section Yes
Leg section linkage welded with MS CRCA tube (16 G)
Mattress platform shall be perforated Yes
Screw mechanism welded with ERW MS tube (18 G) in M.S. cover made from (16 G) ERW tube
Manual adjustments Backrest , knee rest through two screw systems with thrust bearings individually manouvred by two handles for fowler bed
Back rest – min 45 % of the frame length Yes
The bottom end of the H legs are provided with PVC shoes NA in case of bed with castors
The bed has head & foot panels detachable by hand without need of any tool Yes