Pulse Oximeter FINGER TIP


Type of Pulse Oximeter FINGER TIP
Should work during motion and very low perfusion conditions Yes
Special Signal processing Technology (Motion artifact rejection) Masimo – SET technology
SPO2 probes Reusable
Oxygen saturation Range 0-100%
Pulse rate 25-240 BPM
Display of SPO2 and PR digital display with plethysmograph
Accuracy ± 5 %
Type of Patient Adult,Pediatric
Should be shock proof Yes
Display (with contrast adjust-ability) LCD
Display should be Readable from at least 3 feet Yes
Saturation displayed on the screen Yes
Pulse Rate displayed on the screen Yes
Perfusion Index displayed on the screen Yes
Status of battery charging displayed on the screen Yes
Sensor off /on status Yes
Audible and visual Alarms Yes
Alarm override facility should be present Yes
Trends 48 hrs
Type of trend display Graphical
Data interval in sec 1
Power source Battery operated
Automatic switch from mains to battery in case of power failure NA
RS 232C interface for data communication and transfer NA
Should have provisions for wireless and blue tooth connectivity Yes
Patient extension cable Not Provided
Power consumption in watts 5
Operating Temperature “Ambient temperature of 0 to 40 deg C and relative humidity of 15 to 90%”
Weight of the machine in kg 0.03
Protective splash proof case for clean and strogage and safe transport provided Yes
Length of power cable NA
Noise level in dB 10
Display must allow easy viewing in all ambient light levels Yes
Non Invasive Hemoglobin No
Respiratory Rate (RRP) Yes
Pleth Variable Index (PVI) Yes